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How to Hide Columns In Excel

Excel is a fantastic tool for performing complex calculations. Excel is mostly used for professional purposes. We may need to share worksheets with a colleague or show our data using an excel file. We can't just reveal everything since some spreadsheets or workbooks include sensitive company information. If you hide a column in an Excel spreadsheet, no one else can see the data in that column. You may, of course, simply show them later.

When you have a large amount of data on your spreadsheet, concealing information in Excel is also useful. For computations or reporting, we may need to refer to various data from a worksheet. In a report, however, not all data is relevant. We simply require the most essential information. Hide a column in Excel is an excellent option if this is the case. You'll be able to use the information from the concealed rows while keeping them hidden from others.

There are numerous ways to hide a column in Microsoft Excel, and I'll show you the three most effective and time-saving methods in this Excel lesson for beginners.

Using the mouse, hide a column in Excel: Assume you wish to conceal Column A. The first step is to choose a column to work with. By clicking on the column name, you may select a whole column. It's A in this situation. As a result, if you click on A, the entire column A will be selected. The context menu will display when you right-click on any chosen cell in column A. Now click Hide and you're done!

Using the menu in MS Excel, hide a column: The second option is to select the full column that needs to be hidden and then hide it. Now choose the format menu from the home tab. Hover your cursor over "Hide & Unhide" in the "Visibility" column. From the selection menu, choose "Hide Columns."

Using a Keyboard Shortcut to Hide a Column in Excel: Quick workflow necessitates the use of keyboard shortcuts. To be productive with Excel, you must understand and use keyboard shortcuts. In Excel, there are two shortcuts for hiding columns. CTRL+0 is the first (Zero). To conceal a cell in a column, select it and then press CTRL+0 (Zero).

ALT+H+O+U+C is another shortcut. Select any cell in the column you wish to hide, and then press ALT+H+O+U+C in that order. You don't have to hold anything; simply push the keys one by one.

So, there you have it: how to conceal columns in Excel. If you're utilizing the Windows operating system, all of these methods will work. Please see the instructions below if you are using a Mac operating system.

In Excel for Mac, here's how to hide columns:

In Excel for Mac, you must first pick the column that you want to conceal. To use the context menu, right-click on any chosen cell. Simply select "Hide" from the context menu, and you're done! This is the most straightforward method for hiding columns in Excel for Mac.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this far. If you found this lesson useful, please consider becoming a patron. Thank you once again.


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