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Showing posts from December, 2019

How To Copy An Entire Row To Another Worksheet Based On Cell Value In Excel

We almost always use several spreadsheets in Excel, no matter what we're doing. A dashboard for reporting, a master worksheet for all the data, and finally numerous worksheets for different data kinds are the standard formats for each project. You may construct a project management application in which you aggregate all of the projects in a single spreadsheet. Assign and track projects for each employee on different spreadsheets. Let's assume I have 10 project information on my master worksheet and I want to give three projects to John and list them on a worksheet named john. For three projects, I can do it manually just fine but if I have 100 projects then doing it manually is time consuming and prone to error. But I can accomplish it with the help of VBA . It’s easy, accurate and fast. I'll teach you how to copy a row if the cell contains a certain term in this tutorial. I'll use VBA, which will take a few minutes to set up and copy the full row. Let's look at...